澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学金声教授定于10月12日上午10:00在bet356在线官方网站北楼104举行讲座。 欢迎全院师生参加!
Title: Towards Hyper-Video and Interactive Media
Multimedia is a new focus of modern computing. This talk reviews
the development ofMultimedia in general and visual information
retrieval and video cataloguing in particular. It will introduce a hot
research topic, namely interactive media. It presents research
carriedout in the University of Newcastle. In particular, we will
present oureffort forthe design and implementation of the
hyper-video andinteractive media.
About speaker:
Prof. Jesse Jin is the Chair Professor of IT in the School of
Design,Communication and IT, University of Newcastle. He is an
internationalrenowned expert on multimedia technology and visual
informationretrieval and processing. He has published 225 articles
and 14books.He also has one patentand is in the process of filing
3 more patents.He established a spin-off company and the
company won the1999ATPVice-Chancellor New BusinessCreation
Award. He is a consultant ofmany companies such as Motorola,
Computer Associates, ScanWorld,Proteome Systems, HyperSoft,
etc. He was a visiting/adjunctprofessorin MIT,UCLA, HKPU,
Tsinghua University, Jilin University and ChinaAcademy of